"...don't you feel that you are blocked?
I didn´t stop to think of an answer; it came inmediately off my toungue without any pause for planning. I said, Oh, yes, I've always been blocked but my desire has been so strong that it has always broken down the block and gone past it.
All my life I have been haunted by the obsessiont that to desire a thing or to love a thing intensely is to place yourself in a vulnerable position, to be a possible, if not a probable, loser of what you most want. Let's leave it like that. That block has always been there and will always be, and my chance of getting, or achieving, anything that I long for will be gravely reduced by the interminable existence of that block."
Tennesse Williams en el prólogo de Un Tranvía Llamado Deseo
Tennesse Williams en el prólogo de Un Tranvía Llamado Deseo
un saludo de Leipzig a "mi familia" en Madrid.
Hey Félix,
¿qué tal el viaje de vuelta? En la comuna te echamos mucho de menos. Un abrazo a tí también!
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