martes, julio 25, 2006


"...don't you feel that you are blocked?
I didn´t stop to think of an answer; it came inmediately off my toungue without any pause for planning. I said, Oh, yes, I've always been blocked but my desire has been so strong that it has always broken down the block and gone past it.
All my life I have been haunted by the obsessiont that to desire a thing or to love a thing intensely is to place yourself in a vulnerable position, to be a possible, if not a probable, loser of what you most want. Let's leave it like that. That block has always been there and will always be, and my chance of getting, or achieving, anything that I long for will be gravely reduced by the interminable existence of that block."

Tennesse Williams en el prólogo de Un Tranvía Llamado Deseo


Anonymous Anónimo said...

un saludo de Leipzig a "mi familia" en Madrid.

25/7/06 17:44  
Blogger uno said...

Hey Félix,
¿qué tal el viaje de vuelta? En la comuna te echamos mucho de menos. Un abrazo a tí también!

25/7/06 19:43  

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